Petits bricolages en bois pour débutants. Introduction au travail du bois, à la sécurité en atelier et à la planification et réalisation d’un projet commun.
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Carry out scientific experiments Understand the science behind experiments Choose your own experiment, set it up, understand it and carry it out in front of a public Duration 36 weeks Participants 14 Language lux, de, fr, engl, esp Prerequisite Curiosity for our world Equipment none 
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Chaque semaine, nous pratiquerons un sport de ballon différent. Ce sont les suivants : Football, basket-ball, handball, dodgeball, badminton, ...
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Folgende Sportarten kommen zum Einsatz: Schwimmen, Selbstbehauptung, Surfskaten, Slacklining, Stand-Up-Paddling.
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25.02.2023 10:00-13:00
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Рік потому... Мир Україні - негайно! Un an déjà...Paix pour l’Ukraine – maintenant! One year already... Peace for Ukraine- now! Schon ein Jahr... Frieden für die Ukraine - jetzt!
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The EIMAB football team won the LASEL QUALIFICATION tournament and qualified for the finals!
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The 2nd of February a team of 6 boys and a team of 5 girls took part in the sports competition „Fun in Athletics“. The boys finished at the 8th place from 18 teams and the girls at the 13th place. Congratulations!
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