Anne Beffort School

EIMAB is a state school whose mission is to educate and teach children and young people from diverse national, cultural and social backgrounds. It provides a multilingual and multicultural education that promotes the European ideal, while encouraging an education tailored to the pupil, his or her talents, abilities and aspirations. In particular, it is important to promote cosmopolitan life skills, a sense of individual and common well-being, a spirit of democracy and solidarity, as well as sensitivity to the natural environment that we share with other species, and hence sustainable development.

Our philosophy

Our philosophy is self-explanatory if you look at the illustration below. It includes foundations, pillars and a keystone to create a coherent, stable and sustainable whole.


Our educational tools

The reflective and active lives of all those involved (children, young people, parents, teachers, psycho-socio-educational staff, administrative and technical staff, external partners, etc.) as well as the parameters of their environment (family, social ties, cultural framework, religious feelings, perception of the world, etc.) are the subject of a systemic and holistic conception of the human being at school.

It is not the deficits and weaknesses of the individual that are at the centre of our concerns, but the diversity of individual and personal aspirations, abilities and resources. It follows that the pedagogical understanding implemented at the school embraces the diversity of efforts, as well as the different types of physical, psychological and social development of all those involved. In this context, and among other assets, the language skills of all those involved are valued as a means of fostering communication, cooperation and cultural exchange.

Differentiation within our school is characterised by the approach of different learning methods within a class, an auditorium and/or a non-formal education group. The teaching methods respect and promote everyone's abilities and skills in terms of content, academic support, moral support and the working and living environment. Learning and lifelong learning are integrated through individual processes of developing knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills, which thus take on diverse and enriching facets.

By using IT tools intensively on a daily basis, everyone involved at EIMAB (students, teachers, parents, administrative and technical staff, etc.) will be able to save time and be more efficient, making life easier.

EIMAB operates according to the Accredited European Schools

Useful information

Full-time school

EIMAB is a full-time school with a timetable that allows it to organise extra-curricular activities in a wider, less crowded time frame.


Who was Anne Beffort?

The name ‘Mersch Anne Beffort International School’ is perfectly suited to the new school for the following reasons: Madame Anne Beffort (1880-1966) literally personified and even prefigured, by her very being and existence, the evolution of the former domestic school into a new, lasting international school. The daughter of a gardener and one of 12 siblings, Madame Anne Beffort defied all the social obstacles and prohibitions of the time to become the first woman to hold a doctorate from the Sorbonne in Luxembourg and the first woman teacher in the Grand Duchy. Co-founder of the Lycée de Jeunes Filles (Lycée Robert Schuman) and a teacher with heart and soul, her unparalleled courage led her to stand up to the occupying forces during the Second World War. A specialist in Victor Hugo, her unwavering commitment to the French language and culture earned her the Légion d'Honneur from Robert Schuman. A convinced European from the outset, she worked tirelessly for the European ideal throughout her life.

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