The School Project

Objectives :

  • supporting students in the transition to the new accredited European international school
  • encourage open-mindedness and European awareness among pupils
  • bring to life the fundamental principles of the European ideal and educate pupils to become responsible European citizens
  • establish the autonomy and identity of the new accredited European international school

Implementation :

The school project "Lëtzebuerg - Europa via Miersch" - LCD Mersch goes EIMAB aims to support our pupils in the transition phase from a traditional lycée (LCD) to an accredited European school.

The pre-phase is entirely devoted to preparing for this change, both in terms of a new "international" school community and a new full-time school system (timetable and subjects).

The focus will be on the European idea and democratic values.

During the pre-phase, our efforts will focus in particular on

  • planning and staging the Fête de l'Europe
  • exchanges with and between other accredited European schools at national and European level
  • analysing needs with a view to developing new programmes in the options (e.g. the "climate protection" subject, which already exists in Denmark, Italy and France)
  • the development of European signage for our school facilities (EU Branding)
  • the collaboration with the Maison de l'Europe, the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg and the foundation "Zentrum für politische Bildung" (ZpB)
  • preparation of the 'Europa - Verstehen' project (Schwarzkopf Stiftung: Junges Europa)
  • the creation of a school parliament "Forum Altiero Spinelli" (pupils-parents-staff)

Useful information

Full-time school

EIMAB is a full-time school with a timetable that allows it to organise extra-curricular activities in a wider, less crowded time frame.

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