The primary school is located on the EIMAB II (46, rue de la Gare à Mersch) near the railway station.
EIMAB offers a 5-year cycle of European primary education (pupils aged 6 to 11) with two language sections: a French-speaking section and an English-speaking section.
The main factor in the choice of language section is the child's dominant language. Pupils also choose a second language (L2) in primary school, which accompanies them until the baccalauréat. The choice of the second language (L2) must be different from that of the first language (L1).
Learning Luxembourgish as a language of integration is compulsory for all primary school pupils.
Outside compulsory primary school hours, children can be looked after by the "Maison relais (SEA). This service requires a contribution in the form of service vouchers.
For further information on the organisation of courses, please consult the website of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools:
Mersch International School
Anne Beffort