Primary school

The primary school is located on the EIMAB II (46, rue de la Gare à Mersch) near the railway station.

EIMAB offers a 5-year cycle of European primary education (pupils aged 6 to 11) with two language sections: a French-speaking section and an English-speaking section.

The main factor in the choice of language section is the child's dominant language. Pupils also choose a second language (L2) in primary school, which accompanies them until the baccalauréat. The choice of the second language (L2) must be different from that of the first language (L1).

  • EIMAB offers you the European primary curriculum in 2 sections
  • Languages offered in L1: 
  • Languages offered in L2: 

Learning Luxembourgish as a language of integration is compulsory for all primary school pupils.

Outside compulsory primary school hours, children can be looked after by the "Maison relais (SEA). This service requires a contribution in the form of service vouchers.

For further information on the organisation of courses, please consult the website of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools:

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