International Primary

The primary school is housed on the site EIMAB II (46, rue de la Gare in Mersch) near the railway station.

EIMAB offers a 5-year cycle of European primary education (pupils aged 6 to 11) with two language sections: a French-speaking section and an English-speaking section.

International Secondary

The school operates on the model of Accredited European Schools, open to all students and free of charge.

At the international Secondary school, we offer 3 language sections: English, French and German.

Method of preparation

The voie de préparation guarantees personalised teaching. The course is adapted to the student's profile and pace, and meets individual needs. 

Boarding School

EIMAB is the only public international school in Europe to have its own Boarding Schoolwhich is not a separate entity, but an integral part of our school.

EIMAB's Boarding School offers learners of all kinds - pupils, students, young sportsmen and women, young musicians, young artists, etc. - ideal living conditions and preparation.


Besuch der Bäckerei Brot & Sinne in Saarbrücken (ASA Brot & Co.)

Zum Schuljahresende konnten die Schülerinnen und Schüler der ASA Brot & Co. die Traditionsbäckerei Brot & Sinne in Saarbrücken besuchen. An diesem Tag erhielten wir nicht nur einen Rundgang durch die Backstube und Einblick in die laufende Produktion, sondern auch einen praktischen Workshop. After a

Latin 2024 prize-giving ceremony

Best Latinists EIMAB 2024 - Winners of the Pro Latinitate Prize

Beste LatinistInnen EIMAB 2024 - PreisträgerInnen Pro Latinitate Preis

Best Latinists EIMAB 2024 - Winners of the Pro Latinitate Prize

Euroscola / VS Straßburg

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse S3DE1 konnten für einen Tag in die Rolle des Abgeordneten im Europaparlament in Straßburg schlüpfen.

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